
A: Yes, although purists prefer to drink Tiger Bright black, those who prefer to add milk can do so. Flying Fish is a darker roast which we recommend as an espresso, a short black coffee which is the basis for all milk coffees including the ever-popular Cappuccinos and Lattes.  

A: Please view our brewing tutorials to learn more about how to brew Koraput Coffee. 

A: Please view our brewing tutorials to learn more about how to brew Koraput Coffee. 

A: Our coffee is selectively sourced and harvested, processed, and roasted by experts. Each step takes us closer to securing international status as Specialty Coffee with full Organic and Fair Trade certification.  

Origin & Quality

A: Koraput Coffee is cultivated in the Koraput Valley in Odisha, located in the Eastern Ghats of India.

A: The characteristic taste and flavor of the coffee are influenced by the multitude of species present in the forest plantations.   

A: Koraput Coffee ® is grown in keeping with organic farming standards but certification is a process that we are informed may take as long as three years.


A: Store your coffee in a cool, dry place. Avoid High temperatures, Oxygen, Humidity, Moisture, and Light. Store your coffee in an airtight container (preferably vacuum-sealed) in a cabinet and away from light and moisture. We advise you not to store your coffee in the refrigerator.


A: Koraput Coffee is freshly roasted and displays the date of roasting on the packaging.

A: We have a Master Roaster in the Koraput team who guides the roasting of the beans to match your order. 

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