Koraput Coffee: Ethnic Blend


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Region: Koraput, Odisha.
Producers: Machkund & Nandapur Tribal Farms.
Elevation: 920m
Roast: Medium Roast
Bean: 100% Arabica
Form: Ground
Process: Natural Washed

Weight: 100 grams
Flavours: Lightly Fragrant and Aromatic, Caramel, Dark Chocolate, Touch of Toasted Nuts.
This coffee powder can be described as “Strong with Punch and Verve”.

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Koraput Coffee’s ‘Ethnic Blend’ is a premium blend of 100% Arabica from the beautiful forest plantations of the Koraput Hills in Odisha, India.

Shade-grown in rich biodiverse ‘coffee gardens’ this wild coffee thrives alongside the mango, jackfruit, citrus and pepper the tribal farmers plant for food and revenue.
This blend will give you “Strong with Punch and Verve”. Flavour notes are lightly fragrant and aromatic, caramel, dark chocolate, and a touch of toasted nuts.
We recommend adding 200ml of hot water to 20g of Ethnic Blend brewing in a traditional Indian Filter or French Press.


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