Koraput Coffee: Tiger Bright


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Region: Koraput, Odisha.
Producers: Machkund & Nandapur Tribal Farms.
Elevation: 920m
Roast: Light Medium
Bean: 100% Arabica
Form: Ground
Process: Natural Washed
Flavours: Caramel, chocolate with swirls of orange, lemon, sweet lime, and flecks of cocoa.

SKU: N/A Category:

Koraput Coffee’s ‘Tiger Bright’ is a premium blend of 100% Arabica from the beautiful forest plantations of the Koraput Hills in Odisha, India.

Shade-grown in rich biodiverse ‘coffee gardens’ this wild coffee thrives alongside the mango, jackfruit, citrus, and pepper the tribal farmer’s plant for food and revenue.
In the Cup, there is a delicious lightness as tropical citrus swirls of orange, lemon and sweet lime enliven a smooth, rounded caramel and chocolate base.
We recommend adding 200ml of hot water to 20g of Tiger Bright brewing in a traditional Indian Filter or French Press.

250g, 500g


October – December




Halo Beriti Woreda, Gedeb District


1800-2200 meters


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